Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Name the New school in Eagle Ridge

Name that school
Residents of Fort McMurray are running out of time to be a part of history as their chance to name a new school coming to Fort McMurray is almost up.
According to the Fort McMurray Catholic School District website, the district is currently looking for public submissions on what to name a new school coming to Eagle Ridge with construction expected for 2014.

The website explained, “The public is invited to submit a potential name for our new school. Along with the proposed name, please include a rationale for your submission, for example, a prominent Catholic figure or one with historical meaning in Fort McMurray.”

Name submissions must be sent to the New School Naming Committee by Feb. 1 and can be sent to Kathleen Murphy-House at kmurphy@fmcsd.ab.ca.

Reel Performances at Keyano Theatre & Arts Centre presents tiff (toronto international film festival) Films

Reel Performances at Keyano Theatre & Arts Centre presents a selection from the Toronto International Film Festival.

Wednesday, February 8 at 7pm - Incendies
Incendies follows two siblings as they unravel the mystery of their mother's life. The twins slowly piece together their mother's heartbreaking story: that of a life mortgaged by the self-fueling cycle of war and hate, with the exceptional courage and resolve.
*Please note this movie is in French with English subtitles.

Wednesday, March 21 at 7pm - West is West

West is West captures the verve of your and old and the convergence of east and west in this coming-of-age story about the to and fro between Britain and South Asia. After insulting his father's country bumpkin background, teenager "Sajid" is forced to accompany his dad on a month long trip to Pakistan, where he is expected to learn the customs of his family's life. This is an uplifting film about a fascinating family in traditional times.

Other upcoming films include:
Wednesday, April 18 at 7pm - the Trip
Wednesday, May 23 at 7pm - Made in Dagenham
Wednesday, June 13 at 7pm - Another Year

All Seats: $13
Buy 4 and get the 5th one free

Keyano Box Office is open Monday to Wednesday 12:30 pm to 4 pm, Thursday and Friday 12:30pm to 8pm, Saturday 11am to 4pm and an hour before a ticketed event. To purchase tickets call the box office at 780-791-4990 or buy online at www.keyano.ca/theatre

Opera On Screen: The Metropolitan Opera in HD

Monday, 30 January 2012

Canadian Conference for the Arts-survey

Foster a national public dialogue about the importance of arts and culture

The Canadian Conference for the Arts (CCA) workshop will occur on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 from 3:00-5:00pm at the Kerr Room, 2nd floor, Prince of Wales Armoury, 1440 108 Ave, Edmonton. The workshop will be hosted by the Edmonton Arts Council and facilitated by Alain Pineau of the CCA. The Canadian cultural sector is facing considerable changes in its operating environment. One of those is an increasingly clear change in the way the federal government sees its role regarding arts and culture. As some of you may know, the CCA has learned of the federal government’s decision to put an end to 45 years of financial support.  The CCA has taken up the challenge of developing a new business model that will make it financially independent by 2014-15.   A Renewed Mission outlines the CCA as the pan-Canadian alliance linking the arts, culture and heritage communities. Through research, analyses, and informed public discussions, the CCA supports the adoption of policies that ensure the vitality of the Canadian cultural sector and access to culture by all Canadians. The CCA seeks your opinion and input on a set of proposed services and activities: this will be crucial in the development of a sustainable business model.
Alain Pineau’s visit is part of a national tour which will take him to 13 Canadian cities. We encourage all arts and cultural groups and individuals to attend.  The workshop is free but registration is required.  Please visit www.eventbright.ca  

Also, there is an online survey  that will take 10 minutes to complete and the information gathered will be crucial in the development of the new CCA business plan; https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ConsultationCCA

The 9th Calgary Underground Film Festival (CUFF) Calls for Entries

Festival Call for Entries - Deadline February 6th (postmarked)

CUFF is currently seeking submissions for our festival, and the entry deadline is February 6th.  Please fill out our online form here:  www.calgaryundergroundfilm.org/call-for-submission

You can provide a secure online screener link, or send us a DVD.
Please note, CUFF seeks film/ videos which have not yet had a Calgary premiere at a local festival. If you have a new short or feature you would like us to preview, please send it in. All lengths or styles are welcome.

All the details and guidelines are available on our web site.

48-Hour Movie Making Challenge – Registration Details

CUFF's annual 48-Hour Movie Making Challenge is happening AGAIN!!!. The shoot weekend is March 30-April 1, and the completed, eligible shorts will screen at the film festival on April 22nd. It is a ton of fun, great experience, lots of great prizes to be won + live celebrity jury.

Registration Deadline is: March 19, 2012.

Complete details and the registration form are available on our web site: www.calgaryundergroundfilm.org/48-hour-film/2012

Events Wood Buffalo Press Conference is cancelled.

Due to a conflict with another event, the Events Wood Buffalo Press Conference scheduled for Monday, Jan. 30 is cancelled.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and we thank you for your patience.

A virtual press kit will still be made available, a general press release will be issued, and Syncrude winterPLAY Festival programs are currently being distributed. Please do not hesitate to call with any media requests, we will do our best to accommodate you.

Visit www.winterplay.ca for more information on the 2012 Syncrude winterPLAY Festival. Please note, this site is actively being updated on an ongoing basis.

Best regards,
Brea Burton

Marketing & Communications Manager
Events Wood Buffalo

Call for Submissions: Common Sense Gallery in Edmonton

Common Sense is now accepting submissions of exhibition proposals from emerging, mid-career, and established artists.

Email a link (or links) to at least ten (10) online images of your related work, a CV and short bio, a brief statement of your general artistic intentions/philosophy, and a description of your proposed exhibition to info@commonsensegallery.com.

Successful applicants will be contacted by Common Sense to immediately schedule their exhibition in 2012.

Common Sense
10546 115th St NW Edmonton AB T5H 3K6
Phone 780 482 2685

Friday, 27 January 2012

The VVOC asks: which topics need to be address in 2012 survey

Hello Wood Buffalo Residents, I was fortunate to attend the Social Prosperity Summit yesterday afternoon, out of which I was able to make some great connections and gain further insight into the needs and challenges of our local non-profit organizations.

Today I recieved and email asking for some help from local non-profits. Please take a look at the below corespondence and should you like to fill out the survey disucssed I'm sure that your participation would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to diseminate this information further.

Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO) is in the process of designing our fifth survey of Alberta's nonprofits and charities. In the past we have benefited from your organization’s assistance in distributing the survey to your network, and your involvement has helped us get a balanced representation from all subsectors and from all over Alberta.
This series of surveys began during the last recession as a tool for measuring the impact of the economic downturn on Alberta’s nonprofits and charities. Past surveys have reported on a range of organizational issues, including financial health, staffing, and future economic outlook. As the province moves further along into its recovery, we have evolved the surveys to take an annual snapshot of the sector. The 2012 survey will continue to build on the information gathered from previous surveys in an effort to compare data and identify trends, but will also seek to explore new areas such as social enterprise and social finance.

The data gathered has been used by nonprofits and charities and informs the work of government, funders and the media. These surveys remain the only source of Alberta-specific research that documents the ongoing health and experiences of organizations in the nonprofit sector.
I am writing to ask if we can rely on you once again to help maximize participation in the survey by promoting it to your Alberta nonprofit partners. A high response rate will enable us to perform more analysis at the regional level, across subsectors and according to organization size.
We would also appreciate your input into the topics we need to address in the survey. Are there specific topics or questions you feel it would be useful to include in the survey? Due to a tight timeline, we request that responses be sent by January 25, and a representative of CCVO may follow up with you by phone. Please contact Geoff Braun at gbraun@calgarycvo.org or 403-261-6655 ext. 222, or Aditya Banerjee at abanerjee@calgarycvo.org (ext. 228) with your comments. The survey is scheduled to go live on February 15. 

We know there have been many demands on your time over the past year and we appreciate your support.

Below is a link to the last survey results for background: http://www.threesource.ca/documents/May2011/ccvo_economicsurvey.pdf 

Museums and the Web 2012 Conference

Annual Museums and The Web conference registration now open

Join museum professionals from around the world at Museums and the Web 2012 conference (MW2012). Join speakers from France, Australia, The Netherlands, Norway, The UK, Germany, Korea, Greece, Italy and Singapore (to name a few) for the largest international conference devoted to the exploration of art, science, natural and cultural heritage online.  The conference will be held in San Diego, April 11-14, 2012. 
Museums and the Web is an annual conference exploring the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture, science and heritage on-line. Taking an international perspective, MW reviews and analyzes the issues and impacts of networked cultural, natural and scientific heritage – wherever the network may reach.

MW2012 is the largest international gathering of cultural and heritage technologists.  Museums and the Web conferences draw a diverse group of participants from many different professional groups in all types of museums, galleries, science centers, and other cultural and heritage institutions.
Regular registration rates apply when you register for Museums and the Web 2012 before Jan 31st, 2012; apply online now at www.museumsandthewed.com

The full schedule is online:


Nonprofit organizations make a significant contribution to our communities and to our economy.

Explore the history, scope, issues, trends and challenges that affect the sector, with emphasis on leadership and management skills.
Bursaries for this course are available from Wood Buffalo Nonprofit Sector Link, please email network@nonprofitsectorlink.com for more information or see the attachments.

·         Date:               January 27 & 28
·         Day:                 Friday & Saturday
·         Time:               8:30 am – 5:00 pm
·         Location:         Keyano College, S210

Up-coming Nonprofit Management Courses:

Course Code
Course Name
Introduction to Nonprofit Management
Jan 27-28 (F -S)
8.30 - 5.00 pm
Program Planning & Evaluation
Feb 24-25 (F-S)
8:00 - 5:00 pm
Law for the Nonprofit Sector
Mar 16-17 (F-S)
8:00 - 5:00 pm
Financial Planning and Sustainability
Apr 20-21 (F-S)
8.30 - 5.00 pm
Keys to Managing NonProfits 1:  Strategic Management
May 11-12 (F-S)
8:00 - 5:00 pm
Introduction to Nonprofit Management
Sep 28-29 (F-S)
8.30 - 5.00 pm
HR Management in the Nonprofit Sector of Wood Buffalo
Oct 19-20 (F-S)
8.30 - 5.00 pm
Law for the Nonprofit Sector
Nov 23-24 (F-S)
8.30 - 5.00 pm
Board Governanace

Introduction to Voluntarism

Ethical Issues in the Nonprofit Sector

Fund Development & Corporate Philantropy

Marketing and Public Relations in the Nonprofit Sector

Keys to Managing Nonprofit Organizations II

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Miyuki Schulz
Operations Specialist - Student Relations & Marketing
Continuing Education
Keyano College
8115 Franklin Avenue
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2H7
( ph. 1-780.791-4898
Check out our Website →: keyano.ca/continuing-ed

Volunteers needed for local art gallery:

Located in the Lower Level Foyer of the 
Keyano Theatre & Arts Centre

Housed within the dynamic, curved lower foyer of the Keyano Theatre and Arts Centre, the Post is a new public art gallery created to engage the community. 

Volunteers needed for local art gallery:
The Post is looking for volunteers to cover 2 and 4 hour shifts. Open to the public as of February 18th, the gallery hours will be dependent on volunteers. Volunteers of The Post will receive gallery training and enjoy various professional development opportunities. If you are interested in getting involved, training sessions are being offered within the first two weeks of February. Our first training session will be on February 4th in the Gallery. Registration is required so please email the curator if you are interested in attending.

Volunteering with the Post offers individuals the opportunity to gain hands on experience in many areas of gallery work such as prepatory duties, assisting with the curatorial practices, working directly with artists at various levels of their careers, arts advocacy and writing, program delivery and much more.

Hours of Operation as of February 18, 2012:
Tues – Fri: 5 – 9 pm
Sat: 10 am – 5 pm

Also as a volunteer you become an integral part of the gallery and have the opportunity to have an impact on how the gallery develops. We need volunteers and we will appreciate any time you can give us. Please join our team!

For more info please contact the curator at: thepost@eventswoodbuffalo.com or via phone at: 780.880.8337

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Events Wood Buffalo Press Conference Invitation

Events Wood Buffalo is holding a press conference for the upcoming Syncrude winterPLAY Festival. 
Monday, January 30
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Suncor Energy Centre for the Performing Arts
Located at Holy Trinity High School, 230 Powder Dr.

Executive Director of Events Wood Buffalo David Whitelock is scheduled to speak. A representative from the Municipality of Wood Buffalo and a representative from Syncrude Canada Ltd. will also be saying a few words.
Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Syncrude winterPLAY Festival programs and media packages will also be made available.

Please RSVP by replying to this email with Attending or Not Attending in the Subject Line before end of day Friday, January 27, 2012.

For more information contact:
Brea Burton
Marketing & Communications Manager
Events Wood Buffalo
Ph. 780-791-1600

Canadian Conference of the Arts workshop Feb 1, 2012

Mark your calendar for an important think-tank workshop with Alain Pineau from the Canadian Conference of the Arts.  
The workshop will occur on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 from 3:00-5:00pm at the Kerr Room, 2nd floor, Prince of Wales Armoury, 1440 108 Ave, Edmonton. The workshop will be hosted by the Edmonton Arts Council.
The Canadian cultural sector is facing considerable changes in its operating environment. One of those is an increasingly clear change in the way the federal government sees its role regarding arts and culture. Now more than ever before, there is a need for greater cohesion in the arts, culture and heritage sector. This is the message that Alain Pineau, National Director of the Canadian Conference of the Arts is bringing to all of us on February 1
For those who don’t know, the CCA was founded 66 years ago to represent the interests of all Canadian artists and cultural professionals at the federal level. CCA was behind the creation of the Canada Council for the Arts, the federal Act on Status of the Artist, the creation of the Cultural Human Resources Council, to name but a few of its contributions. CCA intervenes regularly on our behalf in front of parliamentary committees and regulatory bodies and it supports cooperative work as in the case of the review of the Copyright Act.
As some of you may know, the CCA has learned of the federal government’s decision to put an end to 45 years of financial support. The Board of the CCA is convinced that, more than ever, there is a need for an overarching cultural organization bringing together all the communities of arts, culture and heritage in Canada. Accordingly, the CCA has taken up the challenge of developing a new business model that will make it financially independent by 2014-15. The CCA seeks your opinion and input on a set of proposed services and activities: this will be crucial in the development of sustainable business model.
Alain Pineau’s visit is part of a national tour which will take him to 13 cities by the middle of February. Make sure you mark the date of his visit to Edmonton so you can participate in this very important joint effort to ensure a sustained strong voice for arts and culture in Ottawa.  We encourage all arts and cultural groups and individuals to attend.  The workshop is free but registration is required.  Please visit www.eventbright.ca.  
If you cannot attend but have questions for the workshop facilitators, please forward your questions to Culture Coordinator Deanna Lawrence at deanna.lawrence@woodbuffalo.ab.ca.  

Leading the North

Leading the North is the annual conference hosted by  Northern Alberta Development Council (NADC) and northern municipalities. The 2012 conference, to be hosted in Fort McMurray, January 25 through 27, 2012, follows in the footsteps of the very successful Growing the North Conference held in the County of Grande Prairie, January 2011.

The 2012 conference will once again focus on the economy, and since it is held in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, it will also focus on oil sands, environment and quality of life issues. Planning for the conference is in the process with NADC, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, the Fort McMurray Chamber of Commerce and other partners. While oil sands are always a focus in the Wood Buffalo region, this conference will also focus on all the other things that make the Wood Buffalo region special.

Mark your calendars for January 25 – 27, 2012 for what is sure to be must attend conference of 2012. For more information contact us.

Or visit the Northern Alberta Development Council website: http://www.nadc.gov.ab.ca/leading-north.asp

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Alberta Future Leader’s program seeking Arts Mentors for Arts Camps

The Arts Camps program partners the Alberta Foundation for the Arts with the Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks, and Wildlife Foundation (ASRPWF) in providing an arts component to the Alberta’s Future Leaders (AFL) Program.

This program is based on the development of partnerships between communities, private enterprise, non-profit organizations and government agencies. These partnerships share the belief that sport and recreation can be used as prevention and intervention initiatives to address the needs of Alberta's indigenous youth.

Arts mentors are hired to form an arts team to plan and develop a range of arts activities. Each arts team member is then placed in a designated community for the summer, working alongside other AFL summer youth workers. The program runs from May 1 to August 31 each year. The number of participating communities varies, but there are usually a dozen communities involved in the AFL program each year.

The arts component provides opportunities for young people to experience and develop their creative abilities. The arts youth workers act as mentors, helping the participants to express themselves through a variety of performing and visual arts activities. Young people are encouraged to get in touch with their individual creative energies and abilities, and thereby learn new skills, develop strength, build self-esteem and self-confidence that can be used throughout their lives.

Arts activities include performing arts such as mime, acting, storytelling, dance and music as well as mask and puppet making. Visual arts workshops include painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, collage, clay, photography and crafts.

Some Other Solutions presents: Nite of Comedy

ADA Community Workshop Grant

The Alberta Dance Alliance provides up to $700 assistance for community-based workshops.
Available to all dance disciplines.

Deadline: March 15

Guest instructors may not be from regular teaching staff
Workshop must be open to the public and be advertised as such

Email info@abdancealliance.ab.ca for more information

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Everyone knows the importance of literacy, but how often do we share literacy as a family? Fort McMurray Public Library invites you to attend festivities at the library on January 27.

Please see the attached poster and post for your staff and clients where you are able.

Thank you,

Carolyn Murray
Marketing Manager


Fort McMurray Pubic Library
151 MacDonald Drive
Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5C5
Main: 780-743-7800 Fax: 780-743-5952

Mozart Don Giovanni: Opera On Screen

Monday, 23 January 2012

January 2012 Full Moon Café Review

During this past weekends’ Full Moon Café, the drum circle set the ambiance for the evening. All in attendance were treated to musical numbers and poetry recitals. Cover songs were sung that engaged the audience to sing along. Original songs were played which warmed and moved people. Recitals of some of Shakespeare’s soliloquies and “The Cremation of Sam McGee” brought delight to all. There were guitars, ukuleles, and harmonicas played to make the toe tapping songs come alive. As a special treat, one member from the cast of “Chicago” who was in attendance performed one of her musical acts. She received a standing ovation for the beautiful execution of the number. Overall the café was a delight to experience. The next Full Moon Café will be on February 18 at the Waterways Hall. The drum circle starts at 7:30 pm and the entertainment begins at 8:00 pm. There is a $5.00 donation at the door. This is a great way to see some amazing talent that the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo has to offer, meet new friends and enjoy some Chai tea, coffee and snacks.

Wood Buffalo Truth: Art Exhibit

Friday, 20 January 2012

MacDonald Island Park Community Art Gallery invites public to opening of “Wood Buffalo Truth” exhibition

The MacDonald Island Community Art Gallery presented by Kirschner Family Corporation would like to invite the community to the opening of the “Wood Buffalo Truth” exhibition.

The exhibition is a joint collaboration of Margaret Sonnenberg and Megan Storrar, and represents a year of preparation from both artists. Each piece was created for the “Wood Buffalo Truth” exhibition and represents their collective personal experiences in Wood Buffalo.

From a philosophical perspective, “Wood Buffalo Truth” is an attempt, through visual art, to counter the oft-negative perception of our region that exists – unjustifiably – in other parts of Canada. The paintings truly depict the character and beauty that makes the Wood Buffalo region unique.

The opening also marks the first anniversary of the grand opening of the MacDonald Island Community Art Gallery. Light refreshments and snacks will be served.

Additionally, Margaret and Megan will be on hand at the Gallery every Thursday in February from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for any school or youth group that would enjoy a tour of the “Wood Buffalo Truth” exhibit. Please book in advance by contacting MacDonald Island Park’s Culture Coordinator, Ana Maria Mendez-Barks anamaria.mendez@macdonaldisland.ca

When: Thursday, January 26, 7:00 p.m.
Where: MacDonald Island Community Art Gallery presented by Kirschner Family Corporation, Suncor Community Leisure Centre, second floor.

Ana Maria Mendez-Barks
Culture Coordinator 
MacDonald Island Park Corporation
T 780-791-0070 ext. 5098
F 780-791-2898

Narrative Quest exhibition

From the AFA Collection – the Narrative Quest exhibition at the Royal Alberta Museum – showing until April 29, 2012

Narrative Quest features a selection of artworks by Aboriginal artists from the collection of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.  The exhibition showcases a variety of traditional and contemporary styles in diverse media.  The prevalent themes in these artworks are often based on storytelling.  These are stories that have been shared by the elders, stories of a search for understanding and meaning, stories of identity and belonging, and stories retold to preserve a threatened culture. They are stories immersed in the past, reflective of the present and hopeful for the future.

In 2008 and 2009, the AFA supported a special curatorial initiative focussed on building its collection of contemporary Aboriginal art.  The initiative addressed the work of senior artists not properly represented in the collection as well as a new generation of artists who are now making an impact. 

Narrative Quest is dedicated to the memory of Joane Cardinal-Schubert (1942 – 2009).

We encourage you to check out the Narrative Quest exhibition at the Royal Alberta Museum, available to the public until April 29, 2012. For more information go to www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/events/exhibits/feature.cfm?id=8.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Local Student wins first round of Polar Express Publishing Competition

I was recently looking though the Fort McMurray Today newspaper, a weekly event  to keep informed about what's happening in Wood Buffalo, and I came across the following article.  Congratulations Taylor; 

Local student wins National poetry contest

Article written by Morgan Modjeski

A student at Sister Mary Phillips School has made it through the first round of a national poetry competition for his poem "Love and Life," and his teacher says his future in writing is a bright one.
Taylor Tourangeau, Grade 6, said he was going through a tough time when he wrote the poem, as he wrote it after losing his girl­friend, but now that he's made it through the first round of the 6th national poetry competition put on by Polar Express Publishing, he's excited about the opportu­nity.
"It's pretty exciting and I'm kind of unknowing about it," said Tou­rangeau. "I just did it for myself, so I can be known for something, because I'm known for nothing."
He continued, "It's exciting because I never knew I was going to actually win because of how young I am, I thought they might not even pick me because I'm too young ... but I'm proud of myself," he said.
In a letter from Polar Express Publishing it explains that Tou­rangeau's poem was one of thou­sands that were submitted and out of those he was selected to make it to the second round.
Darlene Cardinal, Tourangeau's First Nation, Metis, Inuit liaison worker, said even though writing has not always been a part of Tou­rangeau's life, it is now.
"When Taylor came to us two years ago, there wasn't much writ­ing involved in his life," said Car­dinal. "He's come a long way in the two years he has been here and the writing comes naturally to him, when he wanted to write something, he would just say it and it would come out"
"I was in shock when he wrote this poem, I was like, 'where do you come up with this', it's how he feels, but he puts it in his own words."
Cardinal said she feels that writing will be a big part of Tou­rangeau's future.
"I think it could be a big pos­sibility," Cardinal said. "He expresses himself with words quite well, he even said him­self, he's done some bad things, he's gotten into trouble, but he's stepped back from all of that."
She continued, "I think that he would be awesome as a writer."

As a result of making it through the first round of the competition, Tourangeau will have his poem published in a book entitled, Below the Surface with his biog­raphy alongside other selected poems. He'll also move to the final round of the competition where he has a chance to win a prize with a total value of more than 10,000.

Nitrate Films-A special screening of Hudson Bay Company Archival Films

Be one of the first viewers to experience the return of the rarely seen films of the Hudson Bay Companies activities and the First Nations communities in the Canadian North during early 20th century.  The film features excerpts from the newly transferred 1920 Nitrate Film. The film is approximately 30 minutes and there will be a question and answer period following the film. This special event will take place at;

  • Fort McMurray, Heritage Park: Sunday, January 22 at 7:00pm 
  • Fort Mckay, Elders Centre: Monday, January 23 at 2:00pm
  • Fort Chipewyan, Municipal building: Thursday, January 26 at 7:00pm
For more information, please contact Heritage Park at 780-791-7575