Friday, 20 June 2014

InDefinite Arts Society Hiring Fibre Studio Instructor

The In-­‐Definite Arts Society is a visual arts centre in Calgary supporting adults with developmental disabilities to learn and grow creatively through their involvement in art. We strive to increase awareness in the community about the talents and diversity of artists with disabilities by promoting inclusive practices and accessible  opportunities within artistic settings. 

Permanent Part-­time Fibre Studio Instructor: In-­‐Definite Arts is looking to hire new part-­‐time studio staff, and invites applications from all creative and skilled individuals interested in working with persons with disabilities. 

Applicants’ area of specialty  must be in fibre arts; Resumés for other discipline areas will not be considered for  this position. Preference will be given to those applicants with previous experience working with adults with disabilities. 

Term: 24 hours per week starting August 11th 

Monday -­‐  Wednesday, 9:00 am -­‐  3:30 pm, Thursday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm (45 min. unpaid lunch). Additional hours may be available. 

Wage: $20 per hour 

Main Job Tasks:
Facilitate and inspire the artists’ learning and achievement of art goals using methods appropriate for the individual artists 
Encourage artists to exhibit artwork in appropriate IDAS or community exhibitions
Keep studio areas clean and tidy to provide a safe environment for everyone
Participate in team meetings as required 
Perform other duties as assigned by the Team Leader, Artistic Director or Executive Director 

Qualifications: Artists should be able to demonstrate specialized training in their field and must have a diploma or degree in visual arts (or other relevant experience) from a recognized post-­‐secondary institution. 

Application: To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to IDAS, detailing all relevant experience and outlining why you wish to work with In-­‐Definite Arts. 

Deadline for submissions is July 18, 2014. Applications are welcome by email or in person: 

In-­‐Definite  Arts  Society
8038  Fairmount  Drive  SE 
Calgary  AB  T2H  0Y1 
Tel:  (403)  253-­‐3174  ·∙  Fax:  (403)  255-­‐2234  


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