Wednesday, 31 August 2011
SummersEND 2011
DAY 1: Thursday September 1
Noon-Midnight - Blueberry Carnival Midway. Presented by Mix 103.7
4:00pm – MacDonald Island Park closes to event traffic, and will remain open for MacDonald Island park facility users and Miskanaw Golf Course users. Parking passes in effect. Disabled access is available. SummersEND patrons are encouraged to take public transit, taxi or walk onto the island.
6:30pm - Concert gates open
COUNTRY MUSIC JUBILEE: Reba with special guest Victoria Banks. Local opener: Sweet Tequila.
Single tickets available now at the MacDonald Island Park Box Office. Call 780-791-0070 or go to $169+ for VIP and $99+ for GA. Hosted by Events Wood Buffalo and MacDonald Island Park. Sponsored by Royal LePage True North Realty. Presented by Country 93.3
DAY 2: Friday September 2
Noon-Midnight - Blueberry Carnival Midway. Presented by Mix 103.7
4:00pm – MacDonald Island Park closes to event traffic, and will remain open for MacDonald Island park facility users and Miskanaw Golf Course users. Parking passes in effect. Disabled access is available. SummersEND patrons are encouraged to take public transit, taxi or walk onto the island.
6:30pm - Concert gates open
COUNTRY MUSIC JUBILEE: Dierks Bentley with special guest Ryan Laird. Local opener: Lily Hall. Single tickets available now at the MacDonald Island Park Box Office. Call 780-791-0070 or go to $99+ for VIP and $79+ for GA. Hosted by Events Wood Buffalo and MacDonald Island park. Sponsored by Royal LePage True North Realty. Presented by Country 93.3
DAY 3: Saturday September 3
8:00am-1030am - Portraits of Honour Pancake Breakfast. By donation. Hosted by Fort McMurray Kinsmen. For more information go to
8:00am-Midnight - Portraits of Honour Public Viewing. Hosted by Fort McMurray Kinsmen.
Noon-Midnight - Blueberry Carnival Midway. Presented by Mix 103.7
Featuring the BC Hydro AquaVan. Featuring live animals, props and activities. This is your opportunity to touch a sea star, understand how a barnacle feeds, observe a hermit crab up close.
Noon-4:000pm – 3rd Annual DanceXplosion Competition. Preliminary round. Local dancers compete onstage for the $2500 top prize. Location: The SummersEND Mainstage in the concert grounds. Presented by Mix 103.7
4:00pm-6:00pm - Fish Fry. Hosted by Fort McMurray Tourism. For more information. Tickets and menu go to Or call 780-791-4336.
4:00pm – MacDonald Island Park closes to event traffic, and will remain open for MacDonald Island park facility users and Miskanaw Golf Course users. Parking passes in effect. Disabled access is available. SummersEND patrons are encouraged to take public transit, taxi or walk onto the island.
6:30pm - Concert gates open
COUNTRY MUSIC JUBILEE: George Canyon with special guests One More Girl. Local opener: Shantelle Davisson. Single tickets available now at the MacDonald Island Park Box Office. Call 780-791-0070 or go to $79+ for VIP and $59+ for GA. Hosted by Events Wood Buffalo and MacDonald Island park. Sponsored by Royal LePage True North Realty. Presented by Country 93.3
DAY 4: Sunday September 4
Noon-Midnight - Blueberry Carnival Midway. Presented by Mix 103.7
Featuring the BC Hydro AquaVan.
Noon-2:00pm – 3rd Annual DanceXplosion Competition. Final round. Local dancers compete onstage for the $2500 top prize. . Location: The SummersEND Mainstage in the concert grounds. Presented by Mix 103.7
DAY 5: Monday September 5
Noon-5:00pm - Blueberry Carnival Midway. Presented by Mix 103.7
Featuring the BC Hydro AquaVan.
Tickets will be available for sale up to 10:00pm at the MacDonald Island Park Box Office on each concert night. No tickets for sale at the concert gates. No entry is permitted through the concert gates past 10:30pm. Random bag checks and security pat downs will be occurring.
Items not allowed:
NO Liquids
NO Professional Cameras (over 3” lenses)
NO weapons or fireworks
NO drugs or alcohol
Parking is on a first-come, first-serve basis for September 1, 2, 3. Carpooling, bussing, walking, and biking onto the island is encouraged! MacDonald Island Park will close to event traffic at 4:00pm each day and parking passes will be in effect. (Miskanaw Golf patrons and MacDonald Island Park facility patrons will be granted entry, but not guaranteed parking )
Great Grant Opportunity - Don't Miss Out!!
AFA Individual Project Grant Program application deadline September 1!
The latest intake application deadline for the Individual Project Grant Program falls Thursday, September 1. Make sure you submit all required application materials in your package!
Go to for more information!
I know its a tight deadline for this time around but to all those local artists/arts groups who are looking for funding this grant and the other AFA programs are right up your alley! Please take some time to look through the AFA website - and if you need any help give me a call, if I can't help you I'll make sure to connect you to the right person at the AFA who can. Lets show the rest of Alberta and Canada that Wood Buffalo artists are doing exciting projects!
The latest intake application deadline for the Individual Project Grant Program falls Thursday, September 1. Make sure you submit all required application materials in your package!
Go to for more information!
I know its a tight deadline for this time around but to all those local artists/arts groups who are looking for funding this grant and the other AFA programs are right up your alley! Please take some time to look through the AFA website - and if you need any help give me a call, if I can't help you I'll make sure to connect you to the right person at the AFA who can. Lets show the rest of Alberta and Canada that Wood Buffalo artists are doing exciting projects!
Aurora Choir News Release.
Aurora Children’s & Youth Choir announces they are cancelling their choir programs! .Difficulties finding a rehearsal space in a location and time acceptable to all parents, with the equipment needed to run rehearsals became overwhelmingly difficult.
The choir’s Music Director, Joanna Torguson, is very dissappointed. “I've worked extremely hard through the past 6 years to establish this group and I'm sad to have to shut it down when we have so many kids registered for this year.” Torguson says she's looked into a ton of options and run into either overwhelming costs or overwhelming logistics to make everything work.
Murray Torguson, Choir President, is frustrated as well. ``My wife has put her heart and soul into setting up this group and providing an outlet for Fort McMurray kids to safely find their voices and sing.`` He notes that the choir provided entertainment at many local events and that there is no other group of its kind to fill the vacancy.
The choir will take a hiatus this year and perhaps try again next year to find suitable space. If no space is found, the choir will shut down permanently.
To get more information about the choir and its programs, visit
The choir’s Music Director, Joanna Torguson, is very dissappointed. “I've worked extremely hard through the past 6 years to establish this group and I'm sad to have to shut it down when we have so many kids registered for this year.” Torguson says she's looked into a ton of options and run into either overwhelming costs or overwhelming logistics to make everything work.
Murray Torguson, Choir President, is frustrated as well. ``My wife has put her heart and soul into setting up this group and providing an outlet for Fort McMurray kids to safely find their voices and sing.`` He notes that the choir provided entertainment at many local events and that there is no other group of its kind to fill the vacancy.
The choir will take a hiatus this year and perhaps try again next year to find suitable space. If no space is found, the choir will shut down permanently.
To get more information about the choir and its programs, visit
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Looking Through the Lens: Art Exhibit
A message from the Wood Buffalo Artists of Fort McMurray:
Hello Everyone,
Here is the invitation for the 9th Exhibition at MacDonald Island Community Art Gallery. It's only a few days until the Grand Opening !!!! Don't miss the opportunity to see the show and talk with the artists.
Thanks for being part of our Art Community
Monday, 29 August 2011
Portrait of Honour: Itinerary
For full list of events and contacts please go to
Photo courtesy of:
Motorcade Escort For the Portrait on September 2nd, 2011.
The Motorcade will be arriving in Fort McMurray between 2:30 – 3 pm on September 2nd, 2011.
Escorted by Master Corporal Chris Downey from Cold Lake. This motorcade started as a few motorcycle enthusiasts who were Veterans that live in Wood Buffalo Region riding out to Cold Lake to escort the Mural into the city. It has since grown to include over 30 riders, two decorated semi tractor/trailers with amazing artwork emblazed with “Support Our Troops” artwork, RCMP police escort, By-Law Officers involvement, RCMP and Firefighter Motorcycle riders and of course the Mural itself! It is only expected to grow as more people clamour to be part of this Motorcade Escort.
If you'd like to be part of escorting this tribute to our Canadian Forces into Fort McMurray,
Please contact John Moreland at The muster point is the road side turn out just outside the city limits at 2pm sharp on September 2nd, 2011.
Private Reception for Sponsors, Veterans, Fort McMurray Kin Chapters, Military Families, Dignitaries and special guests.
Friday's September 2nd, 2011 @ MacDonald Island at 6 pm. There will be a chance for individuals to network or talk to the artist himself, Dave Sopha, at the private reception. George Canyon has been invited to attend as well. There will be a private viewing of the Mural following the reception. Be part of making history in Wood Buffalo.
There are many opportunities for individuals and companies to get involved: Contact Dean Coleman at OR 780-713-9431
Flag Sponsorship.
CELEBRATE, HONOUR and REMEMBER. Help us pay respect to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice within our Canadian Military and those who have returned home with lasting physical or emotional injuries. You can get involved with Portraits of Honour by sponsoring one of the 157 flags for $157.00 which will be on display during the Dedication Ceremony on September 3rd. For your donation you will receive a “Flag Sponsor” keepsake and your name will go into a draw to win a Phoenix Helicopter tour for four people. Each flag bears the name of one of the fallen soldiers, and represents a family left behind. Built by the father, Jim Fitzpatrick, and brothers of his fallen son, Darren Fitzpatrick, each flag bears the name of one of our Canadian Soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
These flags also represent each family left behind, many of whom live here in Fort McMurray. To sponsor a flag contact Sheila at OR Dean Coleman at OR 780-713-9431
Phoenix Helicopter Tour
For each $50.00 Donation or more you can have your name entered to win a helicopter tour for four that has been thoughtfully donated to Portraits of Honour in support our Canadian Military. Contact Dean Coleman at OR 780-713-9431
Family Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011. The breakfast will be cooked up by our local Firefighters at MacDonald Island starting at 8 AM. The price is by donation. All money will be given to Portraits of Honour to support our Canadian Military.
Make sure to tell your friends and neighbours!!
Portrait Dedication Ceremony
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011. It will begin at 10 am sharp.
The Canadian Flags bearing the names of the 157 fallen soldiers will lend themselves to a fitting tribute during the Dedication Ceremonies as the Colour Guard and Honour Guard pay their respect to our Canadian Military. Mayor Melissa Blake will be in attendance at the Dedication Ceremony, giving a speech on the podium. Followed by Master Corporal Chris Downey, Mother of a Fallen Soldier, Angela Boise and The artist of the Mural, Dave Sopha. Followed by a Moment of Silence and Reverie.
CELEBRATE, HONOUR and REMEMBER. Pay respect to those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice within our Canadian Military and those who’ve returned home with lasting physical or emotional injuries by attending the Dedication Ceremony.
Portraits of Honour Public Viewing
Public Viewing of the Mural will follow the end of the Dedication Ceremony until midnight on September 3rd, 2011.
George Canyon Concert 50/50 Draw
George Canyon a celebrated country music artist and great supporter of our troops will be proudly displaying the Portraits of Honour Banner on stage during his concert as part of the SummersEND Country Music Festival.
Fort McMurray Kin Canada will be holding a 50/50 raffle at the concert - a great way to support the troops.

The Motorcade will be arriving in Fort McMurray between 2:30 – 3 pm on September 2nd, 2011.
Escorted by Master Corporal Chris Downey from Cold Lake. This motorcade started as a few motorcycle enthusiasts who were Veterans that live in Wood Buffalo Region riding out to Cold Lake to escort the Mural into the city. It has since grown to include over 30 riders, two decorated semi tractor/trailers with amazing artwork emblazed with “Support Our Troops” artwork, RCMP police escort, By-Law Officers involvement, RCMP and Firefighter Motorcycle riders and of course the Mural itself! It is only expected to grow as more people clamour to be part of this Motorcade Escort.
If you'd like to be part of escorting this tribute to our Canadian Forces into Fort McMurray,
Please contact John Moreland at The muster point is the road side turn out just outside the city limits at 2pm sharp on September 2nd, 2011.
Private Reception for Sponsors, Veterans, Fort McMurray Kin Chapters, Military Families, Dignitaries and special guests.
Friday's September 2nd, 2011 @ MacDonald Island at 6 pm. There will be a chance for individuals to network or talk to the artist himself, Dave Sopha, at the private reception. George Canyon has been invited to attend as well. There will be a private viewing of the Mural following the reception. Be part of making history in Wood Buffalo.
There are many opportunities for individuals and companies to get involved: Contact Dean Coleman at OR 780-713-9431
Flag Sponsorship.
CELEBRATE, HONOUR and REMEMBER. Help us pay respect to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice within our Canadian Military and those who have returned home with lasting physical or emotional injuries. You can get involved with Portraits of Honour by sponsoring one of the 157 flags for $157.00 which will be on display during the Dedication Ceremony on September 3rd. For your donation you will receive a “Flag Sponsor” keepsake and your name will go into a draw to win a Phoenix Helicopter tour for four people. Each flag bears the name of one of the fallen soldiers, and represents a family left behind. Built by the father, Jim Fitzpatrick, and brothers of his fallen son, Darren Fitzpatrick, each flag bears the name of one of our Canadian Soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
These flags also represent each family left behind, many of whom live here in Fort McMurray. To sponsor a flag contact Sheila at OR Dean Coleman at OR 780-713-9431
Phoenix Helicopter Tour
For each $50.00 Donation or more you can have your name entered to win a helicopter tour for four that has been thoughtfully donated to Portraits of Honour in support our Canadian Military. Contact Dean Coleman at OR 780-713-9431
Family Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011. The breakfast will be cooked up by our local Firefighters at MacDonald Island starting at 8 AM. The price is by donation. All money will be given to Portraits of Honour to support our Canadian Military.
Make sure to tell your friends and neighbours!!
Portrait Dedication Ceremony
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011. It will begin at 10 am sharp.
The Canadian Flags bearing the names of the 157 fallen soldiers will lend themselves to a fitting tribute during the Dedication Ceremonies as the Colour Guard and Honour Guard pay their respect to our Canadian Military. Mayor Melissa Blake will be in attendance at the Dedication Ceremony, giving a speech on the podium. Followed by Master Corporal Chris Downey, Mother of a Fallen Soldier, Angela Boise and The artist of the Mural, Dave Sopha. Followed by a Moment of Silence and Reverie.
CELEBRATE, HONOUR and REMEMBER. Pay respect to those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice within our Canadian Military and those who’ve returned home with lasting physical or emotional injuries by attending the Dedication Ceremony.
Portraits of Honour Public Viewing
Public Viewing of the Mural will follow the end of the Dedication Ceremony until midnight on September 3rd, 2011.
George Canyon Concert 50/50 Draw
George Canyon a celebrated country music artist and great supporter of our troops will be proudly displaying the Portraits of Honour Banner on stage during his concert as part of the SummersEND Country Music Festival.
Fort McMurray Kin Canada will be holding a 50/50 raffle at the concert - a great way to support the troops.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Raw Destinations: Exhibit Grand Opening
Above: Attendees listen to Mayor Blakes opening remarks.
Last night was the grand opening of a new art exhibit in Wood Buffalo. The Artist in Residency Program participants presented the bodies of work that they have been creating over the past three months. The grand opening at the Suncor Centre for the Preforming Arts, located in the brand new Holy Trinity High School (Timberlea) hosted over seventy five art enthusiasts. The exhibit titled Raw Destinations: explorations of the individual phenomena will be available to the public from August 29th - October 21st, so please visit the incredible new facility and see the show. Below are a few pictures from last nights grand opening as well as the didactic information for the show. If you'd like more information about the exhibit or the AIR program please visit the municipal website:
Above image: The artists from left to right, Paul Neiman, Carli Gaudet, Kriza Borromeo, Megan Green and Lucie Bause.
August 29th – October 21st 2011
Featuring: Lucie Bause, Kriza Borromeo, Megan Green, Carli Gaudet and Paul Neiman
The artists of the first Municipal Artist in Residency Program have challenged themselves and worked over the summer to create unique bodies of work. The collaborative nature of the studios space gave the participants the opportunity to pull inspiration from one another as well as offer critical reviews and constructive feedback on each others works. Although the environment presented an interactive and open space the works produced there represent five distinct perspectives and practices.
Raw Destinations presents select pieces from the final bodies of work created by each of the residency participants. As a group, the artists spent three months working together and interacting in the same studio space. However, each artist has expressed that their experiences were predominantly internalized and self exploratory throughout the residency. The artists wish to convey their individual perspective and the growth that they experienced while in this program. It is from that sentiment that is the foundation for the title, Raw Destinations: Explorations of the individual phenomena.
These artists are in the process of finding their stride and personal styles. The subject matter presented in this group exhibit ranges from the fashion and beauty industry to traditional landscapes and taxidermy. The thematic influences cover a gamut of artists from art history such as Klimt to contemporary American rock band Weezer. Viewers can see works that raise poignant questions about the male gaze, gender roles and the concept of home. It is also apparent that some artists are focused on honing certain techniques, choosing to focus on the materiality and process of creation rather than a working from a specific conceptual driver.
Although the works may at first glance have little correlating thematic or subject matter, upon a closer review of the artist statements and individual works the viewer may realize that many pieces reflect significant pop culture influences as well as an exploratory approach to materials. These two things serve as a common thread between these emerging artists.
Please visit the Municipal website for more information about the individual artists or the Artist in Residency Program:
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
KAOS 91.1 is very proud and excited to be a part of Dunvegan Gardens' first Fall Festival and Corn Maze! On Saturday August 27th from 10:00am until 4:00pm join KAOS 91.1, Live on Location, at Dunvegan Gardens (128 Garden Lane) for Fort McMurray's first ever 5-acre corn maze! Can't wait to see you there!!
Jehy Thompson
Kaos 91.1 Radio
Office Assistant/Reception
Visit us on the web at
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Learning Through the Arts: Training Session
Friday, September 9- 9 to 3:15
Saturday, September 10- 9 to 3:15
Sunday, September 11- 9 to 3:15
Monday, September 12- 9 to 3:15
TBD, but we usually use Father Turcotte School, downtown Fort McMurray.
Practicing artists from all sorts of backgrounds. A practicing artist is one who is recognized by his/her peers as active in his/her art form. (We often have mothers who have put their art on hold while raising their families. We welcome mothers who are interested in part-time flexible work during the school day!) We work with dancers, musicians, sculptors, potters, visual artists, jewelry designers, drama artists, puppeteers, storytellers, traditional aboriginal artists, drummers, poets, creative writers, media artists, and filmmakers.
Four days of practical, applicable instruction that will engage your brain in thinking about your art form in a whole new way. (A synopsis of our training modules is included below.)
Coffee, Tea, Pastries and fruit in the morning. Lunch at around noon. (We work around allergies and special diets as best we can.)
An LTTA handbook and the answers to any questions you might have about our program and the work that we're doing in Fort McMurray.
A pathway to paid work in LTTA classrooms. We promise to start on time and end on time.
Our instructors are Mentor artists who have worked in other parts of the country and also in Fort McMurray. Aboriginal Elders, Fort McMurray Catholic School Board administrative staff, and local artists with stellar arts education skills also work with us.
Our training is provided free of charge in Fort McMurray. (In other locations a cost is attached to attending training.)
If you know of an artist who would be interested in working for LTTA in a flexible, contract, artist-educator position, please pass his/her name on to me! I will be happy to send him/her an invitation for training. WE ARE PARTICULARLY INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH ABORIGINAL ARTISTS.
WHAT do you need to DO NOW?
Respond by e-mail or by telephone to confirm your interest and availability for training! I would love to know by AUGUST 25.
Mar'ce Merrell
Alberta Program Leader, Learning Through the Arts
This commitment of four days will give you a solid grounding to begin working in our classrooms as soon as possible. We suggest you move things around to accommodate your LTTA training.
Our training is taught in modules and we offer training at regular intervals. It is possible to make up for modules that you may miss. It may mean that your classroom work starts at a later date.
Our program policies are clear: only artists who have completed our training may work in LTTA classrooms.
We are anticipating a terrific turnout for our September training for new artists and returning artists to the Learning Through the Arts program.
LTTA strives to provide inspiration and opportunities for artists, teachers and students to transform their work:
Artists who undertake the LTTA training develop the skill of deconstructing their art form in order to learn how to use it in a classroom setting. They explore how their art form can engage students in core curriculum in a whole new way. They develop a greater sense of community with other artists who strive to mentor young people and teachers in the arts.
Teachers who partner with artists are exposed to looking at the core curriculum subjects from an artist's perspective. They learn, through partnership, how to explore the arts and use the arts as a tool to reach the students who learn best through hands-on and deep connection to curriculum.
Students in LTTA artist classrooms explore social studies or language arts through dance, drama, music, visual art, media arts, storytelling, creative writing, or puppetry. Our goal is to engage them in the classroom, provide them with an opportunity to shine among their peers, and even show them that an artist's life could be something they choose.
In Fort McMurray, LTTA is partially funded through the Safe Communities Innovation Fund, a Ministry of Justice Initiative to reduce crime. Our funding objectives aim to reach 12 to 16 year old youth (specifically Aboriginal Youth) in the classroom and after-school.
Our 2011-2012 classroom commitments will ensure that each trained artist in Fort McMurray will have opportunities to work within the classroom environment- first as observers, then with a mentor artist, and, finally working in partnership with a teacher on your own.
As an LTTA mentor artist, I've worked extensively in Fort McMurray classrooms and I find the work exciting, challenging and meaningful. The Fort McMurray Catholic and Fort McMurray Public School Boards and strong supporters of our program and artists. I have always felt welcome in Fort McMurray classrooms!
Both the catholic and public school systems have integrated the LTTA program within their junior high classrooms– our artists will be working with every grade 7, 8, and 9 student in Fort McMurray, twice during the school year. We will also have work in Grade 1, 2 and 6 classrooms. Our after-school programs will be up and running in the fall and spring and provide another opportunity for paid work.
Our training is hands-on, reflective and provides many opportunities to explore your art form. And ours! : )
Modules that we will be covering: learning theories, the connections between your art form and core curriculum, teaching tactics, obstacles and opportunities in teaching grades 1, 2, 6, 7 to 9, Aboriginal cultural understanding, the goals of an artist-teacher planning meeting, practicing an artist-teacher planning meeting.
Experienced Artist-Educators will be covering modules that may lead to Level 2 certification. (LTTA provides three levels of Artist-Educator Certification.
Please look at our website:
Monday, 22 August 2011
Portrait of Honour Tour
The Portrait of Honour Tour Scheduled to make stop in Fort McMurray on September 2nd, 2011.
The Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Fort McMurray are hosting a unique local presentation.
The Portraits of Honour Tour is dedicated to honouring the fallen Canadian soldiers from the Afghanistan mission in a touching visual tribute. In this poignant 50 foot mural by a Canadian artist has captured a lifelike portrait of every soldier lost. This project will raise awareness in all Canadians of the lifelong impacts and challenges faced by the families of both fallen and wounded military personnel. We are pleased to announce that the National Portraits of Honour Tour will be coming to Fort McMurray on the weekend of September 2, 2011. This is the same Portrait of Honour display that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Catherine included in their Royal Tour.
For more information please visit the website
For further information regarding this event please contact the Event Chair Roger Hebblethwaite @ or by telephone 780-972-2988 (cell) or 780-791-9577
There will be another blog post next week with a more detailed itinerary.
The Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Fort McMurray are hosting a unique local presentation.
The Portraits of Honour Tour is dedicated to honouring the fallen Canadian soldiers from the Afghanistan mission in a touching visual tribute. In this poignant 50 foot mural by a Canadian artist has captured a lifelike portrait of every soldier lost. This project will raise awareness in all Canadians of the lifelong impacts and challenges faced by the families of both fallen and wounded military personnel. We are pleased to announce that the National Portraits of Honour Tour will be coming to Fort McMurray on the weekend of September 2, 2011. This is the same Portrait of Honour display that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Catherine included in their Royal Tour.
For more information please visit the website
September 3rd, 2011 Schedule – Location: MacDonald Island:
·Saturday Dedication Ceremony at 10:00 am until 10:45 am ·Public Pancake Breakfast from 8:30 am until 11:00 am.
·Following the Dedication Ceremony the Mural will be open for public viewing until midnight.
·Acknowledgement by Canada’s own George Canyon during his Saturday night Concert.For further information regarding this event please contact the Event Chair Roger Hebblethwaite @ or by telephone 780-972-2988 (cell) or 780-791-9577
There will be another blog post next week with a more detailed itinerary.
Portraits of Honour mural that measures 40 feet wide by 10 feet tall and depicts the 157 fallen Canadian soldiers who lost their lives serving in Afghanistan.
Canadian artist Dave Sopha stands before his Portraits of Honour mural that honours the 157 Canadian soldiers who lost their lives serving in Afghanistan. Photo Credit: Shannonview Photography
Thank you.
Voluneers needed: for the SummersEND Country Music Jubilee
Come celebrate Labour Day Long Weekend with us! Join the Shell Volunteer Team!
The SummersEND Country Music Jubilee is a three-day concert series featuring headliners such as Reba, Dierks Bentley and George Canyon!
Between September 1-3 at MacDonald Island Park we will need lots of volunteers to help make this event a huge success!
There are many positions available to fit your interests.
Positions include:
Merch Sales
Hospitality Support
Food Preparation
Dance Xplosion Competition Assistant
Ticket Takers
VIP Hosts
Volunteer Attendants & MORE!
To volunteer and be apart of this exciting 3 day event please go to and "click here to volunteer" will take you to the sign up page. Or call 780-791-1600 for more information!
If you have questions please email

Thursday, 18 August 2011
Grand Opening -Nisa Collection

When I moved to Fort McMurray over seven years ago, I didn’t envision a place with so much diversity and unique cultural aspects such as world class theatrical events at Keyano Theatre, an extensive genre of dance classes and our very own summer street festival, Interplay. To add to this ever growing list of cultural offerings, a new shopping experience is opening this weekend in the Stone Creek area of Fort McMurray. The Nisa Collection by Uzma Syed is launching a grand opening and Eid shopping event at 109 Gravelstone Way on August 20 and 21. This collection consists of vibrant and colorful Eastern and Western outfits, jewelry, clutch purses and even girls Eidware. Uzma started her home based business about two years ago when she moved to Fort McMurray. Quickly realizing that local retail stores didn’t offer her favored fashion or fabrics, Uzma created this magnificent business and has participated in several tradeshow and market place events throughout Fort McMurray. Just this past June, Uzma delivered the first ever, very successful, Pakistani Fashion show.
Don’t miss out on this grand opening for one of Fort McMurray’s very own entrepreneurial artisans and shop to your hearts content at the grand opening of Nisa Collection. This event is cash only.
For more information, please contact Uzma at 780-880-8855
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
A Taste of Fort McMurray: 2011
Take part in a culinary feast like non other all while helping a great cause- Volunteer Wood Buffalo.
Date/Time: August 21st, from 12:00 - 16:00 A Taste of Fort McMurray is back and this is your chance to sample the best of the best of the culinary arts in Fort McMurray. Sample foods from a variety of establishments including the Sawridge, Gardenia and much, much more!
Did we mention the Classic Car Show is just down the street!?!
The Cost:
$40 per person for 15 delicious generous-sized samples
$80 for a family of four
$20 per child, Kids 6 and under are free!!!
Location: Royal Canadian Legion: 9317 Huggard St
Monday, 15 August 2011
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - In Wood Buffalo
The Fort McMurray LGBTQmunity presents: The Rocky Horror Picture Show! Bring your friends and join us in the Blackbox for an evening with this comedic classic. Tickets are limited but also get you into Whiskey Ultra Lounge cover free on the evening of the event!
Being more than showing we will have prop kits so you can join in the fun, free if you come in full costume! On top of that we will be holding a Costume contest, 50/50 draw and Raffle for wonderful prizes donated by our sponsors!
Popcorn and other refreshments will be available throughout the event.
Advanced Tickets: 12$
At the door: 15$
To pick yours up ahead of time, visit Campbell's music or email
Friday, 12 August 2011
SPCA Adoption and BBQ Event
The SPCA invites you to attend an Adoption & BBQ Event on August 13th from 11 to 4.
Whether or not you are considering adopting at this time, stop by and show your support by making donations, sponsoring kennels, becoming volunteers or just having fun and getting the chance to meet the animal. Volunteers are not required for this event. Vanessa Seddon, will be doing a reading from her book "Troy, the Boy Dachshund"
Whether or not you are considering adopting at this time, stop by and show your support by making donations, sponsoring kennels, becoming volunteers or just having fun and getting the chance to meet the animal. Volunteers are not required for this event. Vanessa Seddon, will be doing a reading from her book "Troy, the Boy Dachshund"
Keyano College Conservatory Recruiting Instructors
The Keyano College Conservatory is expanding and we’re looking for talented and enthusiastic individuals to join our team! This is a dynamic organization with over 800 students receiving instruction in art, dance and music. We are interested in skilled instructors with experience teaching and of; Music: Voice – Piano – Guitar – Strings – Drums – Woodwinds – Brass – Musical Theatre
We offer a very competitive wage. Positions start September 2011.
Please forward your resume to:
Dr. Karen McGale, Conservatory Coordinator –
We offer a very competitive wage. Positions start September 2011.
Please forward your resume to:
Dr. Karen McGale, Conservatory Coordinator –
Girl Guides of Canada Recruiting Volunteers
Girl Guides of Canada is the largest organization for girls and women in the world. We are currently trying to fill the following volunteer positions:
Spark leaders for the South side of the bridge: This unit meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 at St. John's Catholic Church and has one leader in place.
Brownie leaders for the North Side of the bridge: This unit meets on Wednesday nights at St. Anne's School in Timberlea and has one leader in place.
Guide leaders for the North side of the bridge: This unit meets on Monday nights from 6:30-8pm and has one VERY experienced leader who needs some extra adult leaders to run the unit with her.
A Pathfinder leader: Pathfinders are age 12-15 and in charge of planning their own program with guidance from a responsible adult. Currently, Pathfinders meet on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm and we have secured a Thickwood location.
If you are interested in any of these positions please e-mail or our Commissioner at
Spark leaders for the South side of the bridge: This unit meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 at St. John's Catholic Church and has one leader in place.
Brownie leaders for the North Side of the bridge: This unit meets on Wednesday nights at St. Anne's School in Timberlea and has one leader in place.
Guide leaders for the North side of the bridge: This unit meets on Monday nights from 6:30-8pm and has one VERY experienced leader who needs some extra adult leaders to run the unit with her.
A Pathfinder leader: Pathfinders are age 12-15 and in charge of planning their own program with guidance from a responsible adult. Currently, Pathfinders meet on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm and we have secured a Thickwood location.
If you are interested in any of these positions please e-mail or our Commissioner at
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Summer Library Programming
Lots o Tots
August 11th from 10:30am to 11:30am (Every Thursday)
for preschool age kids. Stories demand a bit more focus and crafts may be more detailed, focusing on fine motor skills and development.
The library is closed on all statutory holidays. Programs will not run on closure dates.
Book Babies
August 12h from 10:30am to 11:30am (Every Friday)
Babies love story time too! Get to know fun and interactive songs and finger plays to develop a love of books for your new baby. This program also supports networking for moms, dads and other caregivers to share experience and advice.
The library is closed on all statutory holidays; programs will not run on closure dates.
WonderPLAY occurs every second week. Additional learning activities are introduced providing the opportunity for caregivers to learn new fun and interactive ways to promote development
August 11th from 10:30am to 11:30am (Every Thursday)
for preschool age kids. Stories demand a bit more focus and crafts may be more detailed, focusing on fine motor skills and development.
The library is closed on all statutory holidays. Programs will not run on closure dates.
Book Babies
August 12h from 10:30am to 11:30am (Every Friday)
Babies love story time too! Get to know fun and interactive songs and finger plays to develop a love of books for your new baby. This program also supports networking for moms, dads and other caregivers to share experience and advice.
The library is closed on all statutory holidays; programs will not run on closure dates.
WonderPLAY occurs every second week. Additional learning activities are introduced providing the opportunity for caregivers to learn new fun and interactive ways to promote development
Out on a Limb Exhibition at Heritage Park
Out on a Limb examines the changing face of the landscape genre, with a focus on artistic presentations of trees. Featuring the work of contemporary Alberta artists John Maywood, Holly Newman, Gerald St. Maur and Peter Von Tiesenhausen, and our very own Erin Schwab from right here in Fort McMurray. "Out on a Limb" exhibition also includes works drawn from the collection of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts. This eclectic exhibition celebrates the International Year of Forests, artistic expressions of this resource, and the important place trees hold in our personal lives and to live on earth. This exhibition is from July 29-August 26.
For more information, please contact.
Fort McMurray Heritage Park
Movies in the Park
Check out the hottest summer blockbusters August 12 and 13 with Movies in the Park! This free event will take place at Borealis Park from 9 p.m. to midnight. Adult movie “Fast Five” will be shown on August 12, while an animated family movie “Rango” will be shown on August 13. Be one of the first 50 people to arrive and win a free RMWB roll away blanket! Your favorite movie snacks and door prizes will also be available!
For more information call RMWB Programs at 780 – 799 -1144
For more information call RMWB Programs at 780 – 799 -1144
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
No Auditions for Children’s Choir
Fort McMurray, AB - Aurora Children’s & Youth Choir announces auditions are no longer required to join! Following an idea promoted by the RCSM Voice for Life program, Aurora will be using a graduated style of program when they start up again this fall.
The choir’s Music Director, Joanna Torguson, is excited about the new progression system. “Last year we worked with children as young as five years old – which was very new for us. It was a bit of an experiment and I learned a lot.” Torguson says she wants some separation in the age groups due to varying interests and capabilities. “Obviously the smaller singers need simpler music and something they can memorize since many can’t read yet.” This is where a mixed rehearsal with the choir’s youngest two groups will be advantageous. The Mezzo group will be helping and mentoring the younger Prima singers develop their choral skills then will continue practicing on their own songs.
Murray Torguson, Choir President, is supportive of the plan and says “last year it wasn’t ideal with the Prima and Mezzo groups rehearsing together for the entire time. It will be nice for the older singers to be seen as mentors and leaders and helpful to Joanna in training the younger ones on all the parts of how to be part of a choir.” In the course of weekly rehearsals, children will learn how to sign themselves in, find their seats, hold their music, stand up straight, match pitches, read music, and more. By the time children are in the Mezzo ensemble, many aspects are automatic allowing singers to work on more difficult repertoire. In Encore, singers are expected to behave and work as developing professionals.
Lately, the choir has also been looking for a new rehearsal space after learning there were scheduling conflicts between the choir’s rehearsal days and times and new evening programs at their previous location. There was some fear that Fort McMurray’s only community choir for children might end up taking a breather for the school year. However, new developments have given Joanna confidence that a suitable space at an affordable rent will work out. Murray Torguson notes “we’ve tried several places but have run into rental rates ranging from $75 to $300 per night and we just can’t afford that. Fees are used for insurance, equipment storage, new scores, and more. Our music director, my wife, doesn’t even get paid!” As well, a piano is necessary. The choir has a small digital one of their own, but at 140 pounds, moving it in and out for each rehearsal is impractical.
Joanna admits she’s been putting in hours making plans for a new choir year feeling confident a location will work out. “I have some fun music planned that I’m sure the kids will love” says Joanna. This year’s repertoire includes selections from Grease, Sister Act, Practical Magic, Lilies of the Field, Katy Perry, and Black Eyed Peas, along with traditional choral pieces such as Ching A Ring Chaw and Evening Song from Hansel & Gretel.
To get more information about the choir and its programs, visit If you`d like to offer rehearsal space, please contact Murray at (780) 881-7685 or email
For more information contact: Murray Torguson, PresidentAurora Children’s & Youth Choir(780) 881-7685 or the website:
The choir’s Music Director, Joanna Torguson, is excited about the new progression system. “Last year we worked with children as young as five years old – which was very new for us. It was a bit of an experiment and I learned a lot.” Torguson says she wants some separation in the age groups due to varying interests and capabilities. “Obviously the smaller singers need simpler music and something they can memorize since many can’t read yet.” This is where a mixed rehearsal with the choir’s youngest two groups will be advantageous. The Mezzo group will be helping and mentoring the younger Prima singers develop their choral skills then will continue practicing on their own songs.
Murray Torguson, Choir President, is supportive of the plan and says “last year it wasn’t ideal with the Prima and Mezzo groups rehearsing together for the entire time. It will be nice for the older singers to be seen as mentors and leaders and helpful to Joanna in training the younger ones on all the parts of how to be part of a choir.” In the course of weekly rehearsals, children will learn how to sign themselves in, find their seats, hold their music, stand up straight, match pitches, read music, and more. By the time children are in the Mezzo ensemble, many aspects are automatic allowing singers to work on more difficult repertoire. In Encore, singers are expected to behave and work as developing professionals.
Lately, the choir has also been looking for a new rehearsal space after learning there were scheduling conflicts between the choir’s rehearsal days and times and new evening programs at their previous location. There was some fear that Fort McMurray’s only community choir for children might end up taking a breather for the school year. However, new developments have given Joanna confidence that a suitable space at an affordable rent will work out. Murray Torguson notes “we’ve tried several places but have run into rental rates ranging from $75 to $300 per night and we just can’t afford that. Fees are used for insurance, equipment storage, new scores, and more. Our music director, my wife, doesn’t even get paid!” As well, a piano is necessary. The choir has a small digital one of their own, but at 140 pounds, moving it in and out for each rehearsal is impractical.
Joanna admits she’s been putting in hours making plans for a new choir year feeling confident a location will work out. “I have some fun music planned that I’m sure the kids will love” says Joanna. This year’s repertoire includes selections from Grease, Sister Act, Practical Magic, Lilies of the Field, Katy Perry, and Black Eyed Peas, along with traditional choral pieces such as Ching A Ring Chaw and Evening Song from Hansel & Gretel.
To get more information about the choir and its programs, visit If you`d like to offer rehearsal space, please contact Murray at (780) 881-7685 or email
For more information contact: Murray Torguson, PresidentAurora Children’s & Youth Choir(780) 881-7685 or the website:
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Bump it Up
Come check out the “Bump it Up” Co-Ed Beach Volleyball Tournament August 13 at Borealis Park starting at 11 a.m. Teams can have 4-6 players, while the registration fee is $25 per team and all participants must be 18 years or older.
With prizes, a free BBQ and a “minute to win it” competition, this will be one event you won’t want to miss! For more information or to register your team, please call RMWB Programs at 780 – 799 – 1144
Or email
With prizes, a free BBQ and a “minute to win it” competition, this will be one event you won’t want to miss! For more information or to register your team, please call RMWB Programs at 780 – 799 – 1144
Or email
NorthWord’s issue number five full of Light illuminates Wood Buffalo
Local artist Megan Storrar’s cover captures your attention right away as you pick up NorthWord’s issue number five. As guest editor Linda Black says Storrar's painting Yellow Flowers “captures flowers and sky on a summer Fort McMurray day.”
This issue’s theme is light and it has been expertly captured by our writers and poets. Melodie Campbell explores Vanity Lights and Suzanne McGladdery talks about Solace. We invite you to find out more as you turn these summer-kissed pages accentuating life in the north.
NorthWord is published by The Northern Canada Collective Society for Writers (NCCSW). The local group has a purpose to publish and support the work of writers in northern Canada. Based in Fort McMurray, Alberta the NCCSW will publish NorthWord twice yearly, rotating editors and themes from issue to issue.
The group is now accepting submissions for issue number six, to be edited by local writer Kevin Thornton. The theme is Sin. The deadline is October 15, 2011.
Short stories or excerpts from current projects, fiction or non-fiction (3000 words maximum), verse of no more than 50 lines, along with anything surprising, original, evocative, or inventive can be submitted to the editors at
NorthWord is available for sale at the Keyano College Bookstore, Coles, Sunshine Café by Mitchell’s in the Syncrude Sport & Wellness Centre, Frames and More, Airport Gift Shop, and Heritage Park Gift Shop.
Like us on Facebook:
For more information, please contact:
Kiran Malik-Khan
Media Director
Northern Canada Collective Society for Writers
Monday, 8 August 2011
Thursday, 4 August 2011
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