Wednesday 15 February 2012

Attention Fort McMurray fine artists!

My name is Carmen, and I moved to Fort Mac in the fall from Victoria. My whole life I have painted, drawn, and created art of some kind. In the past I have been part of an art collective, and since leaving BC, I have found that I have been missing collaboration with fellow artists, discussing art, and missing the camaraderie that an art collective provides. I realize that there are some great art groups in town already, but I am hoping this group can be an outlet for emerging artists who are looking to grow through interaction with their peers. I feel that a person can learn so much from another person with different perspectives on life, and experience with different techniques and mediums.

I was hoping this could be a casual group for practising visual artists, not a guild or formalized society. We could meet once a week in an open studio. During the open studio, we can bring new projects, existing projects to work on, and just create in a collaborative, positive, creative environment. Once a month, artists could bring in work for a critique from fellow artists; nothing painful, but a positive way to collaborate, be inspired by different ideas, and grow from the opportunity and experience.
As of yet, this is all open for discussion. I think that together we can really create some great things; I would like to know if there are other people interested in this kind of thing, we could possibly make this a reality. 

 Please contact me with any comments or questions via e-mail:




  1. I just moved to FM and was wondering if this project got off the ground? I was hoping to find an open space to help me rediscover my creative side, while meeting new people that might spur new ideas, etc.
    You can email me at

  2. I have not heard if this group has gotten together or not. Carmen had posted a contact email if you would like to get connected. The email is
