Friday 28 January 2011

I received an email from Anna Miller, staff writer for the website
She mentioned that she had come across our Municipal Culture blog and thought that our readers might be interested in her blog as well. I took a look at the Online Degree site and found and interesting blend of information.

This priority of the site is a sort to create and updated review guide of various post secondary programs with an online study option. The site has a very comprehensive list of United States programs, however when I visited it the search option was not function. In theory you would go through a three step process where you select your degree (bachelor, masters, certificate etc) second you select your category (arts, science etc) then finally you chose your specific subject area. The site then works through its database and pulls up the applicable programs that fit your criteria.

Also on the site is the curious blog of Millers. The blog has a wide scope, it features news stories, arts and craft DIY projects and pop culture editorials such as the most recent post and much more. Its an interesting mash up of American pop culture.

If you have some free time and your considering attending an online program based in the U.S.A I would give this site a quick once over - its great to have so many reviews in on application.



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