With so much change for the residents of Wood Buffalo, there is an increased need for support. By giving your time or by donating items, you can help out in a big way.
The Wood Buffalo Food Bank always has a need for volunteers. You could sort and stock food items, ensure food hasn’t expired, volunteer for events and so much more! Volunteer hours are between 9 am and 8 pm Monday to Friday and the second Saturday of each month from 9 am to 4 pm. You can find out more by calling Anna at 780-743-1125 ext. 228 or by visiting: http://www.woodbuffalofoodbank.com/.
The Salvation Army is looking for volunteers for their Christmas Kettle Campaign. Shifts are a commitment of 2 hours. To find out more, contact Verna by calling 587-646-0981 or emailing verna_thomas@can.salvationarmy.org.

The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo believes in connecting citizens through volunteering. Wood Buffalo offers many events and programs that would not be possible without the support and dedication of volunteers. You can register to volunteer for some of the following upcoming events including the Santa Claus Parade and Lights of Christmas or WinterPLAY. To find out more or to register, please visit http://www.rmwb.ca/living/Events-and-Festivals/Volunteering-for-Municipal-Events.htm.
These are just a few ways you can get involved and help brighten the lives of those in our communities. I think the following quote by Aesop sums things up nicely, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
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