Monday, 18 August 2014

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program

With the first day of school just around the corner, parents are frantically running around shopping for school supplies and new clothes for their children. However, this is not the only financial strain parents feel around this time of the year. Fall also marks the beginning of registration for many sports and recreational activities. Understandably, sports are often one of the first things on the list of priorities that can get cut when a family is struggling to make ends meet.

The truth of the matter is though, sports and recreation are necessary for kids – for health, happiness, confidence, and overall well-being

Fortunately, our community has many programs to make sure no child is stuck on the sidelines. 

One such program is Canadian Tire Jumpstart

The Canadian Tire Jumpstart program is a national charity, made up of local committees, which serve to remove the financial barriers of getting kids involved in sports. Funds are raised locally (mainly through Canadian Tire, Sport Check, Atmosphere…etc), and they STAY locally to help the families in our own community. We are extremely fortunate as we live in a very giving community, so we have quite a large budget to give out to the families in need. Families can receive up to $300 per child, per submission session (total of up to $600 per year) to cover registration, equipment, and/or travel costs associated with organized sport programs. 

To give you an idea of what Jumpstart has done since 2011:
  • RMWB committee members have helped 66 kids.
  • Our Chapter (meaning the RMWB chapter, including all committee members) have helped 466 kids.
  • Alberta has helped 66,017 kids.
  • Canada has helped 779,005 kids.

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