Oh what a snowy morning we are having here in Wood Buffalo, I hope you are all safe and warm, out of the weather.
I’ve realized that we have yet to create posts about the art based magazines to which we subscribe and/or read regularly. In order to rectify this oversight, I’ve decided to do overviews of said magazines over the next few months. If you have an overview of magazine that you read, or know of a magazine that you would like reviewed, please forward that information to me for consideration - connor.buchanan@woodbuffalo.ab.ca
To start I've chosen:
I started reading Galleries West a few years ago while I lived in BC. It was a fairly standard magazine to see in gallery sitting rooms or within classrooms of Fine Art programs throughout Vancouver Island as well within the Greater Vancouver Area. It’s a great publication to read to keep your bearings in the Western Canadian art scene. The articles are directly relatable to shows and artist available within traveling distance of the Wood Buffalo region. Often the magazine will highlight a show or an individual that you’ve seen or met if you are a practicing artist within a Western Canadian context.

Keith Langergraber, Rattlesnake Island, installation detail.
Galleries West is a Canadian owned and operated publication, with the majority of its staff is housed south of our region in Calgary.
"[The magazine] strives to heighten awareness of the visual arts scene in Western Canada. Professionally written, accessible features on regionally relevant issues and events, profiles of art makers, critical essays, online exhibition reviews and detailed listings of over 475 fine art galleries serve to stimulate, engage, entertain and enlighten art-interested readers including artists, collectors and dealers across the West”.
(Galleries West Website - see below link for more info)
Each issue includes reviews of current shows, artistic practices of immerging and mind career artist, with the intent to spread the word and highlight those who may not already be well known, as well the issues often include reviews of established artist from or residing in Western Canada. There is also a selection of editorials on events, ideas, activities, shows and news pertaining to the art scene within Western Canada.
For more info I suggest taking a look at the online version of the magazine, it gives a good glimpse into what the publication is all about.
It's indeed a good magazine! Thanks Connor for sharing.