As a new Culture Coordinator at the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, I had the pleasure of reviewing the first solo show of local artist Uzma Nadeem. Uzma’s work is being showcased as part of the ongoing art opportunity offered by the Redpoll Centre downtown Fort McMurray. There will be a series of artists work shown in this location throughout the year with each show on display for three months. Uzma is the second artist to kick off the calendar of shows.
Uzma’s works showcase a variety of mediums, and stylistic choices. There are ten works displayed in the conference room. Some of the pieces lack the depth I was looking for but do contain feelings of play and experimentation. I feel like it is the beginning of new and exciting pieces to come from Uzma..
The show features Uzma’s most recent works, all of which have been created within the last year. Her subject matter ranges from landscapes to abstractions. Uzma’s art demonstrates an experimental approach to a variety of acrylic medium techniques such as glazing, as well as a mixed media approach to certain works.
Uzma has a skill for linking titles to her work. As I viewed the Abduction series, I envisioned candles flickering in the dull evening night, ever so slightly moving in a whispering breeze. I asked Uzma what her favorite medium was to use? She said “The plywood pieces thrilled me I loved working with the grains of the wood.” Uzma spent up to 12 hours on each one of the Abduction series, which were the plywood pieces.
In each of her plywood works the use of the materials natural blemishes, grains and knots, enhance the movement and the flow of each composition. The only unnatural blemish I saw with this series was the material used to outline the figures. I would have liked to have seen something more natural and blended.
Uzma’s love of color and metallic’s are apparent in most of her pieces. The colors are vibrant and her pallet choices are bold and playful. In an interview Uzma said, “I like playing with colors and I am fascinated by them.” In particular, her masonite piece titled The Right Path showcases an experimentation with perspective and a step in the right direction for achieving depth. Uzma has captured the sense of walking down an untraveled path. While I viewed this work in particular, I felt as though I wanted to follow wherever it would take me.
It is wonderful that the Redpoll Center is offering an opportunity for the public to come view local works and I highly recommend going to see Uzma Nadeem’s her work.
To the Artist,
Impressive work Uzma! I look forward to seeing your upcoming pieces.
Shauna Gale-Colbert